May 3, 2010

Mercer Block Quote Of The Week

Well, this weekend=certified SHITSHOW..towed cars, staples in the head, rap concerts and like always, vomit..anyways, tonight, as in sunday night, we were trying to see Nightmare On Elm Street, which i have been waiting for, for what seems like forever..but these mofo's took too long with their pre-movie activities, that we missed the movie..Snoop Dueggy Dueg so nicely explained that the reason he was so late was..

"Dude, i got really caught up watching the Patriot at my house, and like almost joined the army online because of it." -Tommy Rush

But anyways, the night did not end there..once we decided that the movie was no longer a possibility we went back down to Dan's basement, where Jodie McB was already 6 or 7 beerz deep, with 5 left in the fridge..somehow the rest of us got thinking about this and persuaded him to take the bet on whether or not he could finish those 5 brews in less than 15 minutes, without throwing up for $ pissing allowed..Dan took the bet on, only to fail miserably, getting more and more hammered as he attempted to chug beer after beer..when the timer went off there were still 2 beers left, so we told him that if he could finish those 2 beers within 5 minutes, we would give him $40..The Ultimate accepts the bet, takes one sip, and YAKS it all up..oh man, valiant effort, night full of laughs, just great times on The Block.

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