May 13, 2010

Crazy Europeans Get Their Jesus On

This is NUTS..these guys are literally running on water..LITERALLY..Paulie and myself are gonna try this at Rosedale Park over the summer if anyone wants in..shouts to RONNIE on this one..WHAT WOULD JESUS DO?


  1. i would def like to join, we need those sweet kicks, and i wish i could believe this i rly do bec it fucking awesome, but they fal in the water every time at the same place, i think that the water is shallow until that part where they just fall in, allah will grant me the power to run on water

  2. yea exactly, they fall in the water everytime in the same spot, im still down to try it thou

    This lizard can run on water. it runs 1.5 meters per second and it probably weighs less than an oz. not to mention it has webbed feet. so if u actually believe that these adult men that weigh around 170-180lbs can run on water then ur literally retarded.

  4. very nice i like the vid, and how u put the time to research this topic, now i want u to research how to not get kicked in the face by a indian

  5. hahaha. i dont think that needs any research
