January 24, 2010

Mercer Block Quote Of The Week

So, after a looooong night at the monumental Rutgers University a couple of people decided they were hungry on the ride home..so, as the driver i decided to stop at the Quick Chek in Ewing..i wont sugar coat it, everyone was shitfaced..so we go in and order our sandwiches (delicious), and we pay for our food when Dan gets a great idea that he wants to smoke a black and mild (obviously)..so the man at the cash register tells him the price and Dan is not happy with it, so he asks him if he is sure that is the price for one and the cashier says "no, its the price for ten." sarcastically..this really pissed Dan off, so he proceeded to yell across the store to the other guy who made our sandwiches telling him that the guy in the front of the store is an ass hole (this is at 4am btw)..as we are walking out of the store Dan points straight at the cashier and says...


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